Lloyd De Vos, Esq.

Lloyd De Vos is the founder and senior partner of De Vos & Co. PLLC, a boutique law firm founded in 1980 specializing in providing legal advice on international tax and business matters. The firm represents United States interests doing business and investing around the world and non-United States interests doing business and investing in the United States. The firm also represents high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth families in arranging their planning, succession, and tax affairs. The firm works closely and extensively with legal counsel and accountants throughout the world both in person and through state-of-the-art communication and computer systems. Mr. De Vos is an adjunct professor at Georgetown University Law Center, teaching his course in “Tax Treaties” as part of the Master of Laws in Taxation degree program since 2008. Mr. De Vos was the successful plaintiff in Barnard v. Thorstenn, 489 U.S. 546 (1989), a civil rights case that he filed to enforce his rights under the Privileges and Immunities clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution that was decided by the United States Supreme Court.

I work with high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth individuals from all over the world. They look to me to provide personal service of the highest possible quality for their legal, tax, and financial requirements. It requires a team to do so, and Bill Gascoigne, Pete Walburg, and Kim Waldron are trusted and valued members of my team. These clients do not have standard, run-of-the-mill requirements, and because their matters often cross international borders, the solutions that they require are not cut-and-dried. Bill, Pete, and their team work with me to tailor solutions that work for these clients and then deliver them. It is a personalized, bespoke approach to banking that I very much appreciate. Whether it is specific investment instructions, lending requirements, or the simple matter of having a bank account opened to receive funds by a set date, they come through. I am happy and proud to introduce Bill, Pete, and Kim to the people for whom I work and thank them for making me look good time after time.

Lloyd De Vos, Esq.