Holding Company and Bank Ratings

  • Moody's Investment Grade Rating — Baa3
    • Long- and short-term deposit rating of A3/Prime-2 and a standalone baseline credit assessment of Baa2
  • Kroll Bond Rating Agency (KRBA) investment grade ratings for senior and subordinated debt
    • KRBA Deposit rating of BBB+

Balance Sheet and Liquidity Highlights

Balance sheet management and liquidity analysis have always been and continue to be a top priority for the Company's management team. The following highlights demonstrate our commitment to a strong history of stability and growth as of December 31, 2023:

  • Total Assets — $6.5 billion
  • Total Deposits — $5.3 billion
  • Insured Deposits to Total Deposits — 78%
  • Total Shareholders' Equity — $584 million
  • Shareholders' Equity to Total Assets — 9.0%
  • Year-to-Date Net Income — $49 million

Regulatory Capital Ratios

A solid capital base provides the Company with financial strength and the ability to support future growth and is essential to executing our Strategic Plan. Our Capital Strategy is intended to provide stability even in a stressed economic environment. We consistently maintain sufficient capital levels, which are well above regulatory minimum requirements. The following table includes key capital ratios at the Bank level as of December 31, 2023:

Actual Ratio Well-Capitalized Standard Excess Capital
Leverage Ratio 10.83% 5.00% $381M
Total Capital to Risk-Weighted Assets 14.73% 10.00% $248M