Sciens Water
Sciens is a fundamental research-driven investor that identifies pockets of opportunity in the water sector that benefit from long-term macro factors but are uncovered, under-researched, misunderstood, and consequently under-capitalized by the capital markets. Sciens makes control investments in the U.S. water infrastructure and related companies where it can generate both yield and capital appreciation through the application of value-added strategies developed through over 25 years of private equity investment experience. In addition to generating financial returns for its investors, Sciens seeks to make investments that help to solve the big challenges facing the U.S. water industry, such as aging and degraded infrastructure, resource scarcity, and threats to the environment and human health.
Heramb Ramachandran, Chief Financial OfficerWe are very impressed with the dedicated attention we have received from Peapack Private since we began working with them. Our relationship manager is interested in what we do, and we can see that he has our best interests at heart. As a private equity firm with very high standards, it is important for us to work with a financial institution that has the same level of commitment.